Kohler Distributing Company places great emphasis on the training of its salespeople and merchandisers. The company maintains a detailed handbook of sales/marketing/merchandising policies and procedures, as well as an extensive inventory of best practices.
All Kohler sales supervisors attend at least one multi-day off-site sales, leadership and/or management seminar per year. Kohler maintains a Sales Training Curriculum and all sales members attend the prestigious Kohler University Training Institute. The Institute and curriculum include training in the following areas:
- Beer Industry Knowledge
- The Brewing Process and Beer Types
- Merchandising Principles
- Shelf and Display Standards
- Beer Math
- Draft Beer Selling
- Sales Presentations
- 10 Steps to a Sales Call
- Supplier Standards
All graduates receive diplomas and are forever inducted as KU Alumni. In addition, Kohler utilizes both brewery sponsored training (i.e. Go to Market Standards, Coors University Online, Coors Universidad), as well as external training (Civilization of Beer, AMA, Skill Path).